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How To Select The Proper Length For Your Dryer Vent

Correct measurement of dryer vent

The dryer vent you use is one of the most important components of the dryer. It is designed to get rid of moisture when drying clothes while pushing warm air outside. The length of a dryer vent will vary depending on the make and model. Other factors which contribute to length are the vent cover and the material. High quality dryer vents are comprised of rigid metal and have a large mouth or hood. While flexible metal is easier to handle, it can also cause lower air flow due to a design which is corrugated. Over time, this will lead to a buildup of lint.

Things to Remember When Buying a Dryer Vent

If you’re purchasing a gas dryer, the dryer vent must be long enough to extend outside. When a vent is installed properly and has the proper length, the lint which leaves the lint filter will be blown outside. If there is a collection of lint within the ducting of the dryer, this is a warning that the air flow is poor. Homeowners that notice this should have the dryer vent inspected to find any deficiencies which are present, and get them repaired.

While the dryer vent should be long enough to extend outside, it should also be straight with few bends or elbows. A dryer vent that has a bunch of bends and twists restricts air flow, and areas in which air flow is restricted have a tendency to build up lint. Additionally, a dryer vent that has lots of bends is more difficult to clean.

Never Install Dryer Vents Made from PVC

Some homeowners think that PVC (polyvinyl chloride) can be used for dryer venting because it has an ideal length and is smooth yet rigid. However, the problem with using PVC is that when used it displays a static effect which causes lint to stick to the material, which will ultimately cause a blockage. For dryer vents this material should always be avoided in favor of a strong metal material.

When a dryer vent needs to be extended, this can be done by connecting multiple vent pipe pieces together. When doing this you will want to avoid using sheet metal screws. The reason for this is because any protuberances within the vent will lead to obstructions where lint can collect, which may lead to an obstruction. Additionally, protuberances within the dryer vent will make it much harder to clean. A better alternative to sheet metal screws is metal foil tape.

The best way to determine the proper length for your dryer vent is to read the owner’s manual that came with it. The ideal length will vary depending on the conditions of your home. There are also a number of accessories you can buy for the vent, such as a dryer vent brush. Selecting the proper length for your dryer vent will ensure that your dryer performs well, while preventing the accumulation of lint which in large amounts could become a fire hazard due to blockage.


Process in which a skilled, and certified technician, uses “POWER VAC” to remove dust, dirt, and other contaminants from the HVAC system. Air duct cleaning consists of vacuuming, air washing and scrubbing all of the accessible components using a high pressure, pneumatic equipment capable of reaching every nook and cranny. That includes diffusers, branches, plenums, as well as a blower fan and a coil when needed. It is recommended to sanitize the ductwork for its optimum performance. Duration of the cleaning process depends on the complexity of the HVAC system.


Process of removing lint and other contaminants from the air vent. Clogged dryer vents are among most common causes of house fires in the United States. If your dryer has not been cleaned in over a year, it is very important to do so. Duration of the dryer vent cleaning depends on its complexity as well as the length of the air duct.


Process of restoration of any flooded area and bringing it back to its original condition. Restoration consists of removing any surfaces that came in contact with water, cleaning out the area, “air scrubbing” and drying infected space, sanitizing as well as mold remediation and restoration when needed. Flooding, faulty appliances, overflowing toilets, storms and hurricanes are among most common water damage scenarios.


Steam cleaning consists of deep carpet cleaning, tile cleaning and upholstery cleaning. High temperature steam deeply cleans and sanitizes all the surfaces leaving a pleasant and fresh scent. Powerful steam cleaning machines along with environment friendly detergents can remove any difficult stain.
