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How To Do Dryer Vent Cleaning To Prevent Fire Hazards

Dryer Vent Cleaning To Prevent Fire Hazards

Cleaning the dryer vent is often the last thing we would think about when it comes to housework. Most of the times, it is often left forgotten. But did you know that the dryer is the number one fire hazard in the house? The source of fires often come through the dryer venting and lint trap. Thus, it’s important to know how to maintain your dryer vent and prevent fires from breaking out. Thus, we have compiled some useful things to know about cleaning your dryer vent.

Clean behind and under the dryer

It is always good to make it a perpetual habit to clean the lint which is often located behind the dryer. This requires cleaning of the dryer chassis’ interior and can be tedious sometimes. Thus, you should get someone qualified to do this job once every few years.

Clean the dryer vent and exhaust dust periodically

Dryer vents can be prone to outbreaks of fire if not maintained properly. However, there are some measures which you can take to reduce the risk of fire breaking out in your dryer vent. Firstly, you have to always check that the exhaust air is escaping when the dryer is operating. This is because it if it is not escaping, it means it is blocked and you need to remove the blockage. Furthermore, a blockage being accumulated overtime can cause dryer fires and you would want to take precaution against it.

Be careful when drying clothes soiled with VOCs

VOC’s (volatile organic compound) such as cooking oils, finishing oils, stains, cleaning agents and gasolines can be highly flammable and you want to make sure to be careful when handling them on laundering clothes. Always wash the clothing thoroughly more than once to reduce the amount of chemicals on the clothes and hang them out to dry if possible. Take note to use the lowest drying cycle and heat setting if you are using a dryer so that it can cool-down faster at the end. Be very, very careful not to leave your clothes piled in a laundry basket or in the dryer as this can ignite fire.

Replace incorrect dryer ducting

Plastic may not be the suitable choice for dryer user and sometimes even metal foil ducts are not suited for the dryer as well. You should replace them with either corrugated semi-rigid metal duct meeting UL 2158A or a rigid duct. This will enable more air flow and also lower the risk of any discharge from the dryer air as well.

Clean the lint screen after every use

When lint starts to build up in your dryer vent, it’s a warning sign to clean it up. You can tell when it needs cleaning when clothes start to take a longer time to dry or when the outside of the dryer starts to heat up. You might want take when especially if there is a burnt smell lingering in the room. It’s better to play safe than sorry where cleaning the vent will prevent the lint from catching on fire.


Process in which a skilled, and certified technician, uses “POWER VAC” to remove dust, dirt, and other contaminants from the HVAC system. Air duct cleaning consists of vacuuming, air washing and scrubbing all of the accessible components using a high pressure, pneumatic equipment capable of reaching every nook and cranny. That includes diffusers, branches, plenums, as well as a blower fan and a coil when needed. It is recommended to sanitize the ductwork for its optimum performance. Duration of the cleaning process depends on the complexity of the HVAC system.


Process of removing lint and other contaminants from the air vent. Clogged dryer vents are among most common causes of house fires in the United States. If your dryer has not been cleaned in over a year, it is very important to do so. Duration of the dryer vent cleaning depends on its complexity as well as the length of the air duct.


Process of restoration of any flooded area and bringing it back to its original condition. Restoration consists of removing any surfaces that came in contact with water, cleaning out the area, “air scrubbing” and drying infected space, sanitizing as well as mold remediation and restoration when needed. Flooding, faulty appliances, overflowing toilets, storms and hurricanes are among most common water damage scenarios.


Steam cleaning consists of deep carpet cleaning, tile cleaning and upholstery cleaning. High temperature steam deeply cleans and sanitizes all the surfaces leaving a pleasant and fresh scent. Powerful steam cleaning machines along with environment friendly detergents can remove any difficult stain.
